Would you rather marry a nice guy or a flirty one?ġ0. Would you rather go without your car or the Internet for a month?ĩ. Given the choice, would you want to be in a relationship in which one of you eventually becomes the primary income source and the other is the primary caregiver, or would you rather be in a relationship where both of you work?Ĩ. Would you rather go camping in the woods or stay at the 5 star restaurant at the beach?ħ. Would you rather live one life that lasts 1,000 years or live 10 lives that last 100 years each?Ħ. Would you rather hang out with me at a beach or movies?ĥ. Would you rather buy something you don’t really need or have money for food?Ĥ.

Would you rather have a hot girlfriend or an OK girl with a great personality?ģ. Would you rather have own a house in the busy city or in the quiet rural area?Ģ. Ask a few questions at a time, don’t expect to get through all the questions in one sitting. When asking these questions, remember it isn’t a race, give them time to answer with honest meaningful answers if you wish to get to know them. We have tried to make the questions a combination of fun and serious in order for you to get a clear picture of how each of you think and what you believe to be important in life. Also, think about your own answers to the questions. We have put together 170 questions that can be asked over time, take your time and explore the questions. You can also learn if they are adventurous or mild mannered, and if they would rather work or party all day. If you are playing the game with your boyfriend/girlfriend, pay attention to the answers as they can help you understand who you are dating, what is important to them, and if they are shallow or enjoy people for who they are. This leads the players to debate their rationales. Generally, answering “both” or “neither” is against the rules. The dilemma can be between two bad options or two allegedly good options. The game starts with a question “would you rather”. This game usually poses a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two alternatives. There aren’t any wrong or right answers but they can reveal a lot about the players. Here are some of the best would you rather questions to get to know one another.

Would you rather is a fun game to play at the party with friends or family or play just with your boyfriend/girlfriend.